Saturday, October 19, 2013

Upcycling: On-the-go Toothpick Dispenser

Do you know of those nummy little chocolate-covered goodies in the plastic tubes at Starbucks?  The goodies like the chocolate-covered almonds, for instance?  I came up with a very simple way to upcycle one of those tubes.

To "make" one of these, first get one of these goodie tubes from Starbucks.

The enjoyable part: empty contents into mouth and eat.

Take the tube home, wash and dry it.  Then fill with toothpics.

To keep it sealed closed while in transit (and to prevent toothpick spillage), you can use a rubber band or a ziploc bag to keep everything together.

This little upcycling project was quite handy when my dear friend needed a toothpick.

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