Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cooking: Wake Up in a Cup!

Okay, I was trying to make a knock-off of a Starbucks gingerbread latte, without tasting the new recipe.

As a copycat, it was a fail.  But as a drink that'll knock you awake when you hit the bottom of the cup, it's a success.  So put on your cowboy hats and boots, because this cup bucks.

What you'll need:
4 Tbsp. Coffee grounds (medium roast or stronger)
4 cups Water
1 tsp. Nutmeg
1 tsp. Ground ginger
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp. Molasses
1 Tbsp. Creamer
1/2 cup hot milk

I set up my coffee maker to run the hot water.  It makes prepping this easier.

While the hot water is "brewing," I put the coffee grounds in my French press.  These things give more flavor from the coffee grounds.  When there's enough water, I put it into the French press with the grounds and let them steep for 4 minutes.

In the cup, I measure the spices and also add the creamer and molasses.

Now to heat the milk in a pan.  Once it's ready, the hot milk goes into the cup, and the coffee should be ready.

After pressing, I just pour the coffee into the cup and give it a good stirring.  I'd certainly recommend keeping the stirring stick, spoon, whatever with you while you drink this, because the sediment in the bottom will be quite strong.

Frankly, I think to make a better copycat of a gingerbread latte, it would help to have a sprinkle of nutmeg, instead of the teaspoon.  But I'll admit one thing, it had me alert in no time.

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